Monday, November 29, 2010

is the world nearing its end?


in these past few days, i always thought about life, death, and the hereafter

takut kan? tapi i just can't figured out why

maybe people will always say "ko ni banyak sgt tgk tv, intenet..tu yg pk banyak sgt tu"...
but still...the world is full of conspiracy...
the monetary system created by Jews...
the Jew-Christian friendship...
Osama Laden may not as he is....

ntah la. ak tak tau kenapa

beberapa hari lepas, nenek sedara ak meninggal, ak tgk van mayat, keranda.... ak semayang jenazah, n hantar sampai ke liang lahad...ak pk pasal mati...

kita digemparkan dengan ketegangan di Korea. the north attacked the south. US carrier ship arrives, weapons...aircrafts..nuclear missles.... bila2 masa je boleh berperang

Israel n Palestine...tu bnda biasa la...akan berperang hingga kiamat....

i've read a note in fb..saying that the day of judgement is around the corner...the sea of Galilei...semakin kering...n Isa ibn Maryam akan turun ke bumi....Dajjal....Imam Mahdi....

Gunung berapi Merapi meletus..banyak kerosakan...banyak mati..

politics bukan islam guna ayat quran utk yg dibenci digelar anugerah...yg salah tidak dikata mencaci sana sini..pergaduhan...pembunuhan....

maksiat di mana2 sahaja...sumbang mahram bapa n anak...rogol...seks luar nikah.....

ak semakin takut..semakin x sedap hati...i laugh n still making jokes...but u never know what's inside...

i may not cry but the sadness, the grieve... stabs my heart...only Allah knows....what's inside the heart of His weak slave...

ak susah hati

ak x sedap hati

ak takut

Takut pada Allah

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